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Maximising your energy savings, minimising your carbon footprint

A clean energy revolution has begun. Solar power, energy storage, electric vehicles, smart devices... installing these on their own is great, but to really make a difference, they all need to work together in harmony, in a single energy ecosystem.

Welcome to the Juggleverse.

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The problem

Low carbon power production is being deployed on a global scale as customers strive towards a cleaner, lower carbon future. Solar PV, battery storage, wind, electric cars, smart devices... managing all these different technologies can feel like spinning plates. Customers need a single platform that can automate and optimise efficiencies of these devices in a way that is easy to understand.

The Juggle solution

Juggle is a powerful, smart energy management system that unlocks the potential of low carbon technology and optimises efficiency of cost and carbon to customers. Juggle connects to any device: solar, battery storage, wind turbines, electric vehicles, smart devices and automates your energy use, in a way that is easy to understand... and on a single easy to use platform.

How we can help

Juggle has created a plaform that puts the user in total control of their own smart energy grid. Welcome to the Juggleverse

Connect your devices

Connect smart devices together in a single platform that uses machine learning and AI to unlock the potential of renewable power generation

You have full control

Control your energy smart grid easily with the Juggleverse platform

Maximise your savings

Choose to operate in different modes to prioritise low carbon energy use or maximise cost savings, or a mixture of both!

Want to learn how Juggleverse can help make your smart grid more efficient and save you money?

Juggle app screenshot

Introducing the Juggleverse

Our immersive platform brings together all of your site data and projects it into clever and digestible visualisations. The Juggleverse gives complete clarity to you as the end user. The system's ability to forecast your energy usage pattern enhances over time with our AI and machine learning engines.

“I have been using this software for all my energy assets for several years now, I am really excited to see how this transition to Juggle unfolds."

Luke B, Priory Group

Team of Industrial Engineers

Who are Juggle?

At Juggle Energy, we want to give residential and commercial energy consumers the tools to design, procure and manage effective and fully cohesive energy systems. We believe that with incorporation of our intelligent energy management platform and componentry, we will be an essential pillar for the market to lean on as the UK and global economies continue to navigate their way to a greener tomorrow.

Want to learn more?

Our team would love to talk more with you about how Juggle can help you on your journey to a clean energy future. Contact us today.

© Juggle Energy. All rights reserved.

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